
"Continuing our effort to complete PREPA’s bankruptcy and reduce the debt burden on Puerto Rico and its economy is one of our primary tasks. But restructuring the debt is only one step to a better future for Puerto Rico."
- Arthur J. González
CW Budget
Oversight Board Certifies $33.3 Billion Fiscal Year 2025 Commonwealth Budget
Public Meeting
Fiscal Plan for Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Certified as of June 5, 2024
Remark 44th
Update From the Executive Director Robert Mujica
Civil Service Reform:
Transforming Education in Puerto Rico through Improved Hiring and Talent Management
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Fiscal Responsibilities

For easier navigation on finding key FOMB documents, please access the Certified Budgets and Certified Fiscal Plans.



When PROMESA was enacted, Puerto Rico faced an unsustainable burden of more than $70 billion in debt and more than $55 billion in unfunded pension liabilities with no legal path to restructure its liabilities and stabilize its finances. Read more


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The FOMB Contract Review Policy is established pursuant to Section 204(b)(2) of PROMESA to require prior FOMB approval of certain contracts.

The legislative review process of the FOMB is an important component of its mission to help Puerto Rico achieve and sustain fiscal responsibility.

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